26 June, 2013


A year ago today I was on my way to the hospital. What a crazy year it's been!
I'm so grateful for the doctors and nursing staff who took care of me. I am also so grateful for my family who helped 'babysit' me when Andrew had to work. I wouldn't have made it without them. I am also especially grateful for Andrew, and all he put up with and did for me when I couldn't do things for myself. I never would have made it without him. Thanks babe!

From this

To this

I'd call that a success. 
On that note Andrew ran the ragnar this weekend! He did FABULOUS! He ended up running for two people and ran something like 36 miles!!! He's a trooper! He even had enough energy to go to the RSL game afterwards! Man what a stud! Love you babe! I can't thank you enough for everything!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you have recovered well. I can not believe Andrew ran so much. That is crazy. Way to go.
