25 July, 2013

Handy Man

Andrew decided the day we moved in to our house that the aweful tract lighting we had was not going to stay. His project of the week... installing pot lights!

I forgot to get a picture with the tract light still up but this is it without the light, before the new ones were added.

The mess that ensued.

And the final product!

 Pretend the hole had already been patched.....

He did such a good job and they work wonderfully!

This is the fun my dogs had while we worked on the lights... it used to be a stuffed squirrel. But don't worry, that little stuffed bear came next.


  1. That is good that Andrew can start and finish that project in the same day. All the little project I do on my house, make us love it more.

  2. It looks great. It is good you can do your own home improvements:)
