23 February, 2013


This weekend we decided we wanted to paint our house (I know, what were we thinking)?
Anyways, so we marched on over to Home Depot to see what they had. We ended up finding a 5 gallon bucket (yes you read that right!) of paint that was on sale! Now, I'm not exactly sure what we'll do with a full five gallons unless we decide to paint our whole house, but it was cheaper than the 1 gallon buckets they had!! Anyways, the best part about it, besides getting it on sale, was that it wasn't a miss matched color we just had to be okay with, we got to pick what ever color we wanted to make it!!! Yahoo!! So we decided to go with a brown color and got right to work!

The finished product! Definitely not painting another wall for at least a few days :)


  1. That looks great. Especially compared to the white trim. I like it.

  2. It is amazing what a little paint can do. It looks great.
