07 March, 2013

Dogs, Dogs, and More Dogs

In the past two weeks my house has gone from housing one dog to housing THREE!!! Yes you read that right, as in tres, trois, tre, 3!! Holy cow! So, You've met Katie

We now also have Reggie

and Julie.

Julie is now ours. One of Andrew's friends had to get rid of her and we decided we could take her... I'm not sure how I let him talk me into things sometimes. But she is adorable! She's also an inside dog and her and Katie are definitely still getting used to each other..... Katie won't be right next to her. At all. So, when I decided to take a nap after work one night and they wanted to nap with me we had to make certain arrangements. Katie slept in the crook of my legs and Julie slept in the crook of my stomach. That dividing line had to be there. If Julie moved Katie would bolt up and not lay back down for a while. 

Katie and Julie are about the same side, although Julie is a bit sturdier. Reggie is a great big boy though!!! He's so big he has to stay outside most of the time. We are just watching Reg until his real parents can get into their house as their apartment doesn't allow pets. 

He gets lonely when the girls have been out playing with him and then come back inside. He will sit by the window and just stare inside. Man it makes me so sad!!! 


  1. My boys have an imaginary dog. I'm still trying to get used to that.

  2. You have as many dogs as I have kids!!! I am sure they keep you busy.
