27 November, 2013

I've Got To Do It

I know it's cliche but I just have to do it. I have to post about all the things I'm thankful for because that's what you do around this time. Be thankful. Well, really we should be thankful all the time, but it seems to be remembered a lot more around this time of year. Somehow Thanksgiving Day does that to people. Weird huh? 

I took Andrew on a date to the SUU women's basketball game. It was lots of fun! They played UVU and they won! We had fun watching them. It's the first athletic event we've been to for months and it was great! We also got dinner at the Pizza Cart. Love that place. It was Andrew's first time trying it but he thought it was great. 

We also got some snow! We got four or so inches last weekend and I wish it would keep coming!

This is how we've been spending our time. Andrew studies using his THREE screens, and I read or do something constructive. 

Andrew also got his new teeth today! These teeth don't come out! That also means no more retainers! YAY!!!!! They look so good and we're very glad to have them done!

I've also been crafting with my mom but I don't have any pictures yet so that'll have to wait. 

I'm thankful for all my family and Andrew's family and everything they do for us. I'm also thankful for good friends, jobs, a home, and most importantly Andrew. I would never make it without him. 


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