13 January, 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! This year we started out with a bang. Literally.
For Christmas this year Mitch's brother in law, Cade, got him something called Tannerite. If you know anything about Mitch, you'll know he couldn't wait very long to try it. And if you know anything about the rest of us, you'll know we all just had to be there. 

This video was taken from about 200 yards away through a spotting scope - Mitch's other Christmas present from his amazing wife, Kassie! They put the tannerite in an old tv of ours, one of the huge ones that weigh like a million pounds and stick out in the back like 10 feet. Seriously. 10. Anyway, watch for yourself.

Don't you just love that giggle?! It was only fitting that Mitch be the one to shoot it and oh man did he shoot it. There was nothing left!!!

It's been a good year so far. 
We added tons to our food storage which is definitely a good thing. Gotta love case lot sales.

We also tried out our new game Jenga. I think Andrew beat me every single time...

And Andrew turned into Mr. Betty Crocker over her and made homemade butter! We had some cream that was going to go bad so he decided to make butter out of it. 

I must admit I was slightly surprised that it actually turned out! It really truly tastes like butter you buy from the store! Way to go honey! All he did was use the beaters and mix it for forever. And then a little longer. Then you put it into a cheese cloth or something similar and squeeze all the buttermilk out. And you get butter! It was way easy and a good way to use the cream so it didn't go to waste. 

Andrew has started school back up so he's busy again, but with a new work schedule things aren't quite as bad as they were last semester. He's doing well in his classes and is on track to graduate in May!

And I am so excited because for our anniversary this year we are going to Portland!!! Andrew surprised me last night when he said we had to plan something. We found airplane tickets and condo for a killer deal! I can't wait! Andrew has wanted to go back and visit his mission for a long time and I am so dang excited!! Wahoo!

Anywho, Happy New Year!

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